
Multijet domestic water meter

MTKe - 868 MHz

MTK3e Q3 6 3 MI 001 open lid

Product categories










GWF Life

Smart City

Smart Building

Your benefits

  • 2 communication technologies in one meter (Dual mode)
    Investment security and efficient meter reading all the time with fall back to wireless M-Bus if LoRaWAN is not accessible
  • Utility grade and sustainable technology (robust & high grade wear resistant materials with brass body):
    Excellent measuring stability and reliability over meter lifetime and awareness of using a recyclable product
  • Plug & Play:
    Easy and fast on-site installation with automatic radio activation (no programming required)
  • Performance driven design:
    Range up to several km (LoRaWAN) or up to several hundred meters (wireless M-Bus) - depending on environment
  • Integrated monitoring of connectivity and reconnecting mechanism (LoRaWAN):
    Robust operation with automatic repair options, e.g. due to gateway failures


  • Automated mobile or fixed network readout of relevant billing data


  • Only LoRaWAN transmission mode
  • Only Wireless M-Bus transmission mode
MTK3e Q3 6 3 MI 001 open lid


  • Multijet impeller wheel, super dry-dial, magnetic coupling
  • Q3 2,5: Measuring range R100
    Q3 4-25: Measuring range R160
  • Maximum operating pressure 16 bar
    Maximum operating temperature 30 °C
  • Horizontal or vertical installation (Vertical riser/down pipe)
  • Inlet strainer
  • 18 monthly volume key date values
  • Conformity according to European Measuring Instruments (MID)
  • Radio transmission in license free 868 MHz frequency band
  • Data transmission in accordance with LoRaWAN (v1.0.4) and wireless M-Bus acc. EN 13757-4 (OMS® Gen. 4, Issue 4.1.2) (Dual mode)
  • Contactless NFC configuration and commissioning (tap and go) interface
  • Internal data logger (upcoming feature)
  • ---------------LoRaWAN---------------
  • Data security via AES-128-bit end-to-end encryption over 2 independent security layers
  • ADR (adaptive data rate) support gives higher transmission intervals with consistent battery life
  • Real-time clock synchronization with LoRaWAN-Network - DeviceTimeReq
  • ---------------Wireless M-Bus---------------
  • AES128 encrypted wireless protocol security mode 5 (security profile A) or 7 (security profile B)
  • Free route selection - no call-up required
  • Migratable from drive-by system to fixed network application

Product information

Technical Data
Execution MTKe (horizontal) MTK-VSe or -VFe (vertical)1)
Nominal diameter DN mm 15 20 25 25 32 40 50 20 25 32 40
Nominal pressure PN bar 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
Connection thread on meter G…B Inch ¾ 1 2 2⅜ 1 2
Connection thread on coupling R… Inch ½ ¾ 2) 1 1 2 ¾ 1
Nominal flow rate Q3 m3/h 2,5 4 6,3 10 10 16 25 4 6,3 10 16
Overload flow rate3) Q4 m3/h 3,125 5 7,875 12,5 12,l5 20 31,25 5 7,875 12,5 20
Transitional flow rate ± 2 % Q2 m3/h 0,04 0,04 0,063 0,1 0,1 0,16 0,25 0,04 0,063 0,1 0,16
Minimum flow rate ± 5 % Q1 m3/h 0,025 0,025 0,039 0,062 0,062 0,1 0,156 0,025 0,039 0,062 0,1
Max. register reading m3 1000'000 1000'000
Temperature range max. °C 0,1…30 0,1…30
Measuring range R100 R160 R160 R160 R160 R160 R160 R160 R160 R160 R160
Dimensions and weights MTKe (horizontal) MTK-VSe or -VFe (vertical)1)
Length without couplings A mm 165 1904) 260 260 260 300 300 105 150 150 200
Length with couplings mm 239 282 352 352 372 432 452 197 242 262 332
Height B mm 119 115 135 135 135 160 174 - - - -
Height from pipe centre line C mm 84 85 91 91 91 114 117 - - - -
Depth D mm - - - - - - - 148 169 183 226
Depth from pipe centre line E mm - - - - - - - 130 143 156 190
Installation depth from pipe centre line W mm 48 48 50 50 50 68 76 48 49 51 70
Height with open lid G mm 167 163 183 183 208 222 - - - - -
Weight without couplings kg 1,7 2,1 2,6 2,6 2,7 5,4 6,7 - - - -
Weight without couplings MTK-VS kg - - - - - - - 1,9 3,0 3,0 6,0
Weight without couplings MTK-VF kg - - - - - - - 2.,0 3,4 3,7 7,3
Weight with couplings kg 1,9 2,3 3,0 3,0 3,3 6,4 8,7 - - - -
Weight with couplings MTK-VS kg - - - - - - - 2,1 3,4 3,6 7,0
Weight with couplings MTK-VF kg - - - - - - - 2,2 3,8 4,3 8,3
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature + 5 °C to + 55 °C
Transport & Storage temperature - 20 °C to + 70 °C
Register protection class IP67
Environmental class B
Electromagnetic environmental class E1
Power supply
Lithium/Mangan battery (not replaceable) 3 V DC
Typical battery lifetime (depending on environment and configuration conditions Up to 15 years
Approval MTK3e (horizontal) MTK3-VSe or -VFe (vertical)1)
MI-001 No. CH-MI001-07005
Certifications MTK3e (horizontal) MTK3-VSe or -VFe (vertical)1)
UBA Brass (DIN 50930-6)
LoRa Alliance Certification (1.0.4 spec.)

1) -VS = Vertical riser / -VF = Vertical down pipe 2) Also supplied with couplings R½ 3) Max. 1 h per 24 h, with total time of 100 h 4) Also supplied in length 220 mm

EU-Reach Art. 33 / ChemV Art. 71 Brass product contain lead > 0,1 %
Measuring error curve
MT Ke MI 001 868 M Hz E Pe10143 2 3en
Typical Head Loss Curve
MT Ke MI 001 868 M Hz E Pe10143 2 3en
Dimension Diagram
MT Ke MI 001 868 M Hz E Pe10143 2 3en
Pipeline: horizontal iconHorizontalLine
vertical iconVerticalLine
Meter head: upwards iconArrowToTop
Installation Requirements

The meter must be installed so that the type plate is always horizontally 
positioned, facing upwards (do not tilt).

Documentation: GWF water meters - BAdfei10122

Technical Data
LCD 9 digits
Volume unit m3
Volume resolution 0.001 m3
Flow rate unit m3/h or L/h
Test mode T
Low battery Icon see image 3)
Alarm Icon see image 2)
Radio indicator (On/Off) and LoRaWAN connectivity status see image 1)
MT Ke MI 001 868 M Hz E Pe10143 2 4enneu
Radio specifications
Frequency band 868 MHz
Transfer protocol (payload) LoRaWAN: GWF specific Wireless M-Bus: Acc. EN 13757-4 (OMS® Gen. 4, Issue 4.1.2)
Radiated power max. 14 dBm (25 mW)
Class (LoRaWAN) A
Activation type (LoRaWAN) OTAA
Mode (Wireless M-Bus) C1, C2
Modulation (Wireless M-Bus) FSK
Information data package LoRaWAN 1) Wireless M-Bus 1)
DevEUI 70B3D538700000AB -
Meter manufacturer GWF GWF
Medium Water Water
Meter S/N 23132356 23132356
Absolute meter value 359.768 m3 359.768 m3
Absolute meter reading key date - 343.417 m3
Date of key date reading - 31.03.2022
Remaining battery life Years Days/Semester
Warnings Meter alarms, Low Battery, Burst pipe, Potential leak, Backflow, No Usage, Max. flow rate exceeded, Min./Max. temperature Meter alarms, Low Battery, Burst pipe, Potential leak, Backflow, No Usage, Max. flow rate exceeded, Min./Max. temperature

1) Other protocols (e.g. Privacy telegram) on request


Last updated: 12.02.2025
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