
Multijet domestic water meter

MTKcoder® MP

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The well-established GWFcoder®-system reads the absolute mechanical register value precisely and reliably and provides the data through standardized interfaces. The number wheels with three various long, asymmetrically arranged slots are being scanned through light pipes which are connected to five light emitting diodes (LED).


Drinking Water






Smart City

Smart Building

Your benefits

  • Mechanical roller register with 1-litre-resolution
    Efficient consumption monitoring in smart metering applications
  • Revolutionary Multiprotocol interface:
    Investment security due to the interoperability of the meter
  • Transfer of the effective meter reading:
    No data loss and guaranteed security of the billing data
  • Batteryless register:
    No service life restriction
  • No programming required when commissioning the meter in a readout system (Plug & Play):
    Easy and fast on-site installation
  • Standardised interface:
    No service life restriction
  • Long service life, robust domestic water meter:
    Excellent measuring stability and reliability
  • Measurement of low flow rates:
    Increased cost effectiveness


  • Automated mobile or fixed network readout of relevant billing data
  • Wired or radio remote readout of hard to access metering installations, e.g. meter pits, reservoirs


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  • Multijet impeller wheel, super dry-dial, magnetic coupling
  • Q3 2,5: Measuring range R100
  • Q3 4–25: Measuring range R160
  • 8 dial resolution with 3 comma place
  • Maximum operation pressure PN 16 bar
  • Maximum operating temperature 30 °C
  • Horizontal or vertical installation (Vertical riser/down pipe)
  • High grade wear resistant and corrosion proof materials
  • Inlet strainer
  • Reconditionable and recyclable execution
  • Materials suited for contact with potable water
  • Conformity according to European Measuring Instruments (MID)
  • Standard register with Multiprotocol interface
  • M-Bus standard unit load: 2 unit loads (3 mA)

Product information

Technical Data
Execution MTKcoder® MP (horizontal) MTKcoder® MP-VS or -VF (vertical)1)
Nominal diameter DN mm 15 20 25 25 32 40 50 20 25 32 40
Connection thread on meter G...B Inch ¾ 1 2 2⅜ 1 2
Connection thread on coupling R... Inch ½ ¾2) 1 1 2 ¾2) 1
Operating pressure PN bar 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
Nominal flow rate Q3 m3/h 2.5 4 6.3 10 10 16 25 4 6.3 10 16
Overload flow rate3) Q4 m3/h 3.125 5 7.875 12.5 12.5 20 31.25 5 7.875 12.5 20
Transitional flow rate ±2% Q2 m3/h 0.04 0.04 0.063 0.1 0.1 0.16 0.25 0.04 0.063 0.1 0.16
Minimum flow rate ±5% Q1 m3/h 0.025 0.025 0.039 0.063 0.063 0.1 0.156 0.025 0.039 0.063 0.1
Smallest readable volume l 0.05 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05
Maximum register reading m3 100'000
Temperature max. °C 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
Measuring range R100 R160 R160 R160 R160 R160 R160 R160 R160 R160 R160

1) -VS = Vertical riser / -VF = Vertical down pipe 2) Also supplied with couplings R½ 3) Max. 1 h per 24 h, with max. total time of 100 h

Dimensions and weights MTKcoder® MP (horizontal) MTKcoder® MP-VS or -VF (vertical)1)
Length without couplings A mm 165 190 260 260 260 300 300 105 150 150 200
Length with couplings mm 239 282 352 352 372 432 452 197 242 262 332
Meter height with lid B mm 119 115 135 135 135 160 174 - - - -
Meter height with inductive interface B1 mm 131 127 147 147 147 172 186 - - - -
Meter height with radio module RCM®-H200 compact B2 mm 156 152 172 172 172 197 211 - - - -
Meter height with lid from pipe centre line C mm 84 85 91 91 91 114 117 - - - -
Meter height with inductive interface from pipe centre line C1 mm 96 97 103 103 103 126 129 - - - -
Meter height with radio module RCM®-H200 compact from pipe centre line C2 mm 121 122 128 128 128 151 154 - - - -
Meter depth with lid / inductive interface D mm - - - - - - - 148 169 183 226
Meter depth with radio module RCM®-H200 compact D1 mm - - - - - - - 150 169 183 226
Meter depth with lid / inductive interface from pipe centre line E mm - - - - - - - 130 143 156 190
Meter depth with radio module RCM®-H200 compact from pipe centre line E1 mm - - - - - - - 132 143 156 190
Installation depth with lid from pipe centre line W mm 48 48 50 50 50 68 76 48 49 51 70
Installation depth with radio module RCM®-H200 compact from pipe centre line4) W1 mm 64 64 64 64 64 68 76 64 64 64 70
Installation depth IP68 or with inductive interface from pipe centre line4) W2 mm 57 57 57 57 57 68 76 57 57 57 70
Meter height with open lid G mm 167 163 183 183 183 208 222 - - - -
Weight without couplings app. kg 1.7 2.1 2.6 2.6 2.7 5.4 6.7 - - - -
Weight without couplings MTK-VS app. kg - - - - - - - 1.9 3.0 3.0 6.0
Weight without couplings MTK-VF app. kg - - - - - - - 2.0 3.4 3.7 7.3
Weight with couplings app. kg 1.9 2.3 3.0 3.0 3.3 6.4 8.7 - - - -
Weight with couplings MTK-VS app. kg - - - - - - - 2.1 3.4 3.6 7.0
Weight with couplings MTK-VF app. kg - - - - - - - 2.2 3.8 4.3 8.3

1) -VS = Vertical riser / -VF = Vertical down pipe 2) Also supplied with couplings R½ 3) Max. 1 h per 24 h, with max. total time of 100 h 4) By turning the register / assembly installation depth W can be realised 5) only in NPSM execution

Certifications MTKcoder® MP (horizontal) MTKcoder® MP-VS or -VF (vertical)1)
SVGW certification x x x x x x - x x x x
UBA Brass (DIN 50930-6) x x x x x x - x x x x
KTW / W270 x x x x x x - x x x x
NSF-61-G & 372 - - x 5) - - x 5) - - - - -
EU-REACH Art. 33 / ChemV Art. 71 Brass products contain lead > 0,1 %
Measuring error curve
E Pe10121 Messfehler
Typical Head Loss Curve
E Pe10121 Druckverlust
Housing UBA Brass (DIN 50930-6)
Sealing plate UBA Brass (DIN 50930-6)
Impeller / measuring insert High grade synthetic materials
Bearings Hard metal, Sapphire, Chrome nickel steel
Seal material EPDM
Dimension Diagram
Register options
Without cable With 1,5 m cable Floodproof IP68 with 5 m cable
E Pe10121 Dimension
Pipeline: horizontal iconHorizontalLine
vertical iconVerticalLine
Meter head: upwards iconArrowToTop
Installation Requirements

The meter must be installed so that the type plate is always horizontally positioned, facing upwards (do not tilt)
Documentation: GWF water meters - BAdfei10207


The 2nd generation – even more flexible

The well-established GWFcoder®-system reads the absolute mechanical register value precisely and reliably and provides the data through standardized interfaces. The number wheels with three various long, asymmetrically arranged slots are being scanned through light pipes which are connected to five light emitting diodes (LED). Thus, the exact position of each number wheel can be detected and the encoded absolute register read can be transmitted as part of the protocol by the GWFcoder®-interface. This GWF patented functional principle is being used in millions of installations worldwide since more than 15 years. The GWFcoder®-interface guarantees absolute correlation between the electronic readout and the register reading and provides an incomparably higher level of information compared to meters with pulse output. Meters with GWFcoder®-technology do not contain a battery which, in turn, does not compromise existing revision cycles. The readout device supplies the power for the readout. 

GWF enhanced the reliable Smart Metering technology in its 2nd generation, so that 8 instead of 5 number wheels are being scanned and therefore a resolution of 1 liter is possible. Moreover, all products with multiprotocol functionality provide the flexibility to switch between SCR(IEC) and M-Bus which leads to an easy and fast «Plug & Play» installation on site. 

In combination with the GWF radio module RCM®-H200 the third interface can be used for wireless M-Bus.

MT Kcoder MP MID E Pe10121 4 5161436
GWFcoder®-Data package
SCR: IEC 62056-21 Mode A (IEC 1107)
Medium Water
Absolute meter reading: 12365,678 m3
Serial number: 13215678
Meter size: DN 20
M-Bus EN 13757
ECO EN 13757-3
MT Kcoder MP MID E Pd10121 Export Änderungen 2 4 222 22
Example of use

Wireless readout

Meter with GWFcoder® register is read out by radio using a mobile infrastructure.

MT Kcoder MP MID E Pe10121 4 51614364646


Last updated: 03.02.2025
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